This Comes As No Surprise

This Comes As No Surprise

Monday, 20 May 2013

Countdown to Justice, this 'enns' soon.

Jokingly taking wagers: How long will it take for my slideshow to be flagged/removed from YouTube?
Oh, and thank you for the Google recommendation.  So very kind of you. :)

If you have found this, after searching my name, don't question my actions as to why I'm 'still posting about what has happened.

Question your own actions. Why are you, nearly 4 years later, still searching? Why do you care?

Unlike you, I'm not concerned about connecting my name to information. Why?  Because I have nothing to hide; in fact, I want to share the truth.

The wait is nearly over, due process is near.

Life is good when you do what's right. You should try it sometime.